Gaia-X 4 moveID
Bus Stop Management
Bus Stop Management
Use Case Dynamic Bus Stop Management
The city of Hamburg wants 80% of people in the city to walk, cycle or use public transport by 2030. In 2022, this proportion was 68%. The mobility of the future requires solutions that make transportation more efficient, improve services and make data-based information accessible to all users.
The Dynamic Bus Stop Management use case expands and scales the range of mobility services through the coordinated multiple use of existing transport infrastructure (e.g. bus stops) and improves solutions for the first and last mile.
Unused bus stops
Cars continue to dominate traffic and lead to congestion and space problems on the roads. This makes boarding and alighting difficult for on-demand traffic and passengers. Barrier-free access is often lacking. Temporarily not used stops can be used as alternative stops. However, decision-makers in cities and transport companies often have no information about the attractiveness of their stops and their possible alternative use.
Dynamic stop management for third-party providers
Dynamic stop management opens suitable stops for third-party providers (e.g. shuttle services) to improve the use of the transport infrastructure, minimize stopovers, close gaps in the intermodal transport chain and create more attractive mobility offers. We use data on stops, infrastructure and local public transport in Hamburg to develop various services. One example of this is the attractiveness index, which identifies stops that are particularly suitable for on-demand transportation.
Attractiveness index
The attractiveness index evaluates bus stops for the potential use of first and last mile shuttle services and ranks them based on various criteria. This information is presented via an interactive dashboard to make sure that mobility stakeholders can easily find bus stops for a demand-responsive shuttle service. Using a web application, the Hamburg-Holstein public transport authority is able to suggest stops, which are then approved or rejected by the City of Hamburg. The selected stop data is transferred from the Materna Data Factory to the SmaLa booking system from TraffGo Road. Time slots are available for shuttle companies via an app-based mobile booking platform based on the secure Gaia-X data space. This integration simplifies processes, reduces bureaucracy and ensures data sovereignty.
The benefits for users of urban traffic
The city supports public transport and sustainability by fostering intermodal journeys. At the same time, it fulfills its obligation to make urban data publicly accessible in accordance with the Open Data Act. This can be done easily and efficiently via a Gaia-X data space.
Bus mobility providers benefit from a more comprehensive shuttle system for the first and last mile. These services make their own main transport routes (e.g. buses) more attractive and profits possible through higher ticket sales. In addition, they can offer and expand their own shuttle service, which leads to additional profits over and above normal ticket sales.
The measures implemented with dynamic stop management lead to greater customer satisfaction overall.
New business opportunities and greater customer satisfaction
Third-party mobility service providers are able to plan their services more reliably and safely thanks to Dynamic Stop Management. This makes the journey smoother for the shuttle driver and the passenger. A better service leads to more booked rides and increases business.
Transport planning improves thanks to well-founded decisions based on up-to-date data. Idle times and congestion are reduced through more efficient use of the infrastructure.
Customer satisfaction increases through improved first and last mile coverage.
Sales can be increased through additional services and offers.
The user experience is improved, because transportation services are provided at optimal locations. Passengers have to wait less time for connections and receive more flexible mobility offers, which increase the overall quality of life in a city.
Gaia-X 4 Future Mobility family of projects and Gaia-X ecosystem
The Dynamic Stop Management use case combines all the key benefits of Gaia-X: it makes the trustworthy, sovereign exchange of sensitive data (e.g. GPS position of all modes of transport) possible, automates administrative processes (e.g. when registering via the SmaLa app), enables interoperability, new business models and increases the availability of suitable and valuable data processing services for AI algorithms.
Base-X enables Credential Event Service and Identity Management to simplify the process for mobility service operators. This gives the city confidence in and control over the infrastructure, which is open for use by third parties. The Federated Catalogue enables interoperability and easy scalability in other cities and municipalities.
The following Base-X components are used: Federated Catalog, Registry, Credential Event Service, Access Control, Marketplace, Identity, Compliance, Governance Framework, Data Usage Policies, Self Description, Service Provider, Service Consumer, Connector, Meta Data.
The federated catalogue is the most important core component to find data sources for specific target areas. There are synergies with the ODD classifier from the ROMS project, as automated or autonomous shuttles can replace on-demand shuttles in the future. All data-based use cases and developments from Base-X have added value due to their interoperability.