Gaia-X 4 moveID
Intermodal Mobility
Intermodal Mobility
Seamless data chains with various modes of transport
Planning, booking and paying for journeys is often challenging for travelers. They have to use different applications, logins and booking processes because the travel chain is fragmented. Efficient travel chains require data chains that establish a seamless connection between the means of transport. We develop solutions to make intermodal travel convenient and efficient.
Intermodales Reisen kombiniert verschiedene Verkehrsmittel innerhalb einer Reiseroute, v.a. durch die Verbindung von ÖPNV und Personenverkehr mit PKW. Aber auch Verkehrsmittel, wie Carsharing, Bikesharing und E-Scooter spielen eine zunehmend wichtige Rolle. Alle Teile der Reise können idealerweise über eine Schnittstelle oder Plattform gebucht werden und stehen auf öffentlichen Mobilitätsstationen zur Verfügung.
Integrating different data sources
To achieve this, we integrate various data sources for seamless data and service ecosystems:
Traffic data, such as timetables, capacities, prices and real-time traffic information.
User data and user preferences, such as price limits, preferred means of transport or membership information.
Environmental data to determine the most environmentally friendly travel information.
With the data space technology (Base-X), data can be shared across companies, while the participants’ data governance remain protected. This makes important data available that could not be shared without data sovereignty

The advantages of intermodal travel chains
Users can easily and quickly plan and book the best route that includes different means of transport. This saves time and increases the level of comfort. Personalized travel suggestions take individual preferences and requirements into account and enable customized travel suggestions. Users have control over their data at all times and decide for themselves what information they want to share.
Small providers can develop new services. This stimulates competition, leads to better offers and innovations in the mobility sector.
Sustainability: By optimizing route planning and promotng environmentally friendly means of transport, we reduce the CO2 footprint of traffic.
Traffic infrastructure is used more efficiently with intermodal travel chains.
Remote areas will become more accessible, as carpooling, for example, can be organized more easily.
The potentials of improved mobility with Base-X
The use case Intermodal Mobility is a development of a demo from RealLab Hamburg 2019 with an upgrade to Base-X. In the RealLab, a super app was developed by combining a software agent system with a data space to promote the so-called modal shift to intermodal travel. The use of real, accurate data increased travel speed by 30 % and reduced CO2 emissions. These achievements were recognized in 2022 with the "Innovation Award Real Laboratories".
As technology stack for Gaia-X-compliant data spaces, Base-X offers an expansion of secure data exchange through defined core services and simplifies the integration of databases by using semantic models for efficient networking. This capacity for connectivity enables Base-X to significantly support sustainable mobility solutions and the business development of mobility providers. The solutions enable personalized travel options for citizens and contribute notably to reducing traffic and pollution. At the same time, they provide valuable insights that are essential for planning and optimizing urban mobility strategies.
Gaia-X 4 Future Mobility and Gaia-X ecosystem
Base-X is part of the Gaia-X framework and enables the efficient implementation of intermodal travel by seamlessly connecting different traffic infrastructures and mobility services. It promotes the development of interoperable applications that can be easily adapted to different modes of transport, supports compliance with European data protection standards and improves interoperability between mobility offerings through its innovative semantic model. The result is increased flexibility and efficiency in the mobility industry. Base-X supports easier and more efficient data exchange and offers a seamless user experience across different modes of transport. By that, Base-X plays a central role in the creation of a sustainable and user-friendly intermodal travel system.